Experiences, lessons learned & personal revelations received during the Covid19 pandemic

To be started soon, whole new experience and lessons! 

Postdated comment: The 'soon' took over a month because I realized my frequent updating of my Facebook page and responding to many comments distracted my attention! I've finally started and officially announced in FB that I would stop my regular posts until I've completed my other important goals of my life!

17 Sep 2022, 1.10 pm in Kuala Lumpur

My complete COVID era experiences continues from this post to share My Consciousness to my Family and Friends whom I've always loved and cherished.

Inspiration made me post this photo in Facebook on the day before:

So my account of what I've learned during this unprecedented era of my life begins here. The above newsprint copy that was published on Wed June 11, 2008 has relevance to my life in Malaysia that influenced me to this day to become a writer of truths of life, as I investigate it using what I refer to as God given gifts of my life i.e. being given a Body Mind Spirit for my Human Consciousness.

To be continued progressively from this date onwards, with constant error corrections, until I completely uploaded what has been in my Consciousness throughout our Pandemic era! (Copy this link https://bit.ly/3xwxdd4 to return here for the forth coming period of time as I won't be 100% active in Facebook until I've achieved to publish my first official book for real!)

Continue I will, to note that I had moved the family where the children were all born in Kuala Lumpur, to Singapore for the four younger boys basically for better education and a brighter future. The older two girl were already sent to the US earlier for their education. It was the year 2006 when we decided also that Singapore's hospital was the optimal place for my wife Geok Lee to receive treatment for her diagnosed breast cancer. Even before this, Singapore was an attractive place as a home for our family where I had many friends from school who have already migrated there.

We fought the cancer battle for 7 years before the mother of our family passed on to be remembered here.

Let's move on quickly to lessons learned during the pandemic. A key to learning more was finding a source of true information to even pay or subscribe to it monthly with a sample of a video below with reference to how truths were distorted my mainstream media as well as online media that would restrict truths being revealed to the public such as YouTube:

Click here to see a compilation of videos I've collected that will share the news that mainstream media have been hiding from the world!

I do break my silence in Facebook now and then simply because it's my interaction tool with over 2.4k Family and Friends. Interaction is a topic of my research on the subject of Human Consciousness and devoted this website to explain its power www.PowerOfInteraction.info

To be continued...

2022 A new year for the world still with the COVID-19 Pandemic

25 Jan 2022

The Church Historian's Press has released a new volume of the Joseph Smith Papers that includes color photographs and color-coded transcriptions of the Book of Mormon's earliest manuscript. This is the first complete photographic record of what remains of the original manuscript.

21 Jan 2022 published on Youtube
Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Understanding One Another - Full Broadcast

Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosted a discussion on Islam at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, on Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The two Apostles encouraged followers of the faith to better understand the similarities and differences they have with the globe’s 1.8 billion followers of Islam. They also introduced a brochure that outlines the similarities and differences between the two faiths. Watch the full broadcast above.

I was not aware of this event last year but somehow as a long-time writer of journals, I seem to be often 'lucky' not to miss important or relevant events in my life. Let me share a few links from my past journals to appreciate the relevance of Elder Bednar and Elder Gong to me in my life.

22 Jan 2022

Church News Publication on location of the Church's 265 temples across 6 maps

Going into the third year of the Pandemic, reading this publication gives me spiritual calm. Seeing Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia on the map triggers off unforgettable spiritual memories even from the USA for reasons shared in this journal.

Sunday 29 May 2022

My Thoughts & Feelings of Life on Earth today. Family & Friends are my true Joy!

As one who has been writing journals consistently since 1979, I felt impressed to read this spiritual journal of mine first before I add my latest thoughts and feelings on this day here.

(Note that it will probably only be finished late as I've got a full day with firstly Church that I will attend at the new building in PJ following which I will be attending a Hari Raya function of my old schoolboys close by!)

BODY MIND SPIRIT has been the tripartite 'Nature of Man' I started focused research about after my wife passed away in 2012. It was something personal that I embarked on based on my personal life experiences as well as deep research beyond my own knowledge of the world's philosophy, science, and spiritual teachings. 

One very important goal I've kept in life or held a 'balanced' approach to my research was to avoid 'personal biases', especially in two subjects that can disrupt peace in communities or countries, namely Politics and Religion. I hold sacred or respect the choices of others in these sensitive, meaningful as well as emotional topics of life.

My intention to embark on deeper research to help teams/companies perform more optimally in business actually began in 2005. By that time, I had already achieved a number of breakthroughs in my management consulting business for local and international companies.

The COVID-19 pandemic raised new Consciousness levels in my life with new questions to challenge me to increase my OPT Optimal Thinking & Performance to even higher levels. From last Friday to Sunday today, over the 3 days, I was touched by the following experiences:


Two long phone calls came to me. They covered paranormal experiences from 2 friends. One was about the Devil and the other about his struggles in life to finally find answers based on Spirituality. Link to the devil story here.


I was spiritually touched to remember to visit 'Kam Fatt' restaurant to meet old friends and view the total renovation of the place. Link to my experience with Kam Fatt of his life and after he passed away.


I decided to attend Church in PJ instead of my usual attendance in our KL Church. When they opened up Church for all to participate in our last District Conference, somehow I was never informed especially for the unvaccinated. After a 2 year lockdown, it was wonderful to meet old and new friends there. One of the reasons for going to PJ was also to attend a Raya celebration in the home of a Muslim friend with all other friends from our school. I only have time to share a few photos below to later put them all in the latest Microsoft "Sway" media as done for my family activities here.

My life seems unbelievably busy but also unbelievably happy so I never complained at all. I just have to constantly & optimally plan my time well in my head, without a diary, that is how flexible I've lived my life to be able to do many things like 'Superman' haha

PJ Church photos in the new District Centre:

KL branch activities in the newly renovated branch building:

PJ Hari Raya Celebration photos:

Another schoolmate took this pic!

I made a statement when I started this post, "Family & Friends are my true Joy!" Coincidentally, I came across a research study from Brigham Young University that affirms this. Read about it here. 

That's all Folks. From the busy Mr. TalkLane for now!

To be continued... "Akan Datang!" 

... a continuation of my thoughts during the Pandemic era that started here.

On my 'Happy Friday' less than a week later, I got to visit another home related to school again:

I did not attend the funeral of the husband of Mrs. Gonzales as it was during the Covid period when the body of any deceased would not be present but immediately buried. James Edison and I planned to visit her home later and had Mr. David Fernandez accompany us on Friday 3 June 2022. She attended our class reunion in 2018 and gave us a short speech recorded here.

In Memory of James Gonzales (1939-2022)

A good account of his distinguished life can be read here published by Aliran.

Bringing it all together before and during COVID-19

Before the Pandemic era.
Some Memories & Events

Facebook shared an auto memory from the past which I like to share as an introduction to this post. It triggered my consciousness to create this post.

This memory is of my second son Shuan, finishing his two year voluntary mission in England to return back to Singapore, with a stopover first to visit my second daughter in Boston.

It reminded me of why he served a mission to follow his older brother Han, who followed his older sister Su, where maybe my joining the Church as the first in the family to do so may have started the chain reaction. 

I used the photos he had sent to me in his weekly emails home that I transferred to journals starting here that ends here for example. I then used it to share a voice recording above of a long entertaining talk by Cleon Skousen who also explains how it is possible that a Savior could pay for the sins of everyone on earth, consistent with the scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ. The scriptures can be found in this journal where the above video is shared. Transcript of his talk can be read here.

The original video of Cleon Skousen with his voice used is shared below:

Now I didn't need Cleon Skousen's talk and scriptures shared to know that Jesus Christ is real or that he really atoned for Man's sins. All I had to do was to exercise faith in the Savior, keep his commandments and receive personal revelations direct from him which happened over 40 years ago recorded in my Spiritlane journal that starts here to be continue to this day. 

Now FaceBook uses something called "Pattern Recognition" which in a more technical term from the computer science world that uses algorithms or computer codes to read and record the behavior or interest of the human user. The objective is of course to direct advertisements that match the recorded interest of the user so that the advertisers paying FaceBook would get more positive sales responses. It is a Win Win situation for everyone including the ordinary FaceBook user like me who enjoys all the benefits or the features of using the social network for free! However I don't just depend on FaceBook media alone to store or share my well researched information of life or human consciousness especially of my own! I have my own online journals that has no advertisements to share my own discoveries like an understanding pattern recognition subject found here.

Now why did I explain all of the above? Well it's simply my habit since young to learn good or useful things that benefited me and later always shared freely with family & friends. They are therefore free of charge and will not have any distracting advertisements common in social media sites today or have algorithms that will lead the reader to a post by a sponsored customer of FB.

From my old journal, I could recall the visit of a newly called Apostle of the Church, Elder Neal A Maxwell, that I got to meet during my mission days while serving in Singapore. 

The exact day of the event recorded in my book journal is 27th Aug 1981.

He was called by the same Prophet of our Church who had issued me my mission call, President Spencer W. Kimball who greatly influenced me to write journals as per this article of his here.

Elder Maxwell is indeed a spiritual and eloquent speaker who highlighted the important restoration work of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

The prophets of our modern day seem to continue the great work of the Savior in preparation for his second coming. President Kimball's book and life touched me immensely in my own life that I brought this old book for a talk I gave in KL branch shared in this journal.

Video of the group celebrating Ray's birthday

Just before the world was aware of the Pandemic, family members came to Kuala Lumpur to visit me!

Only Su who was expecting her 2nd daughter did not fly the distance. She gave birth to her 2nd daughter Anya in April, just over a month after the world became locked down!

Beginning of the Pandemic

Now the pandemic came as a surprise in the first quarter of 2020, in the month of March as recorded in my familylane journal My journals and book writing project slowed down as more time was spent on deeper research in the Body Mind Spirit (EQ IQ SQ) of Man's tripartite nature that I had configured. At best, I could share all the journals of my life, which is ongoing all the time anyway with updates, collected at www.AbacusToCloud.com

This book caught my attention from my library as it covers the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament as well as in the Book of Mormon which includes the teachings of Isaiah. Reading Isaiah's teachings in the Book of Mormon was like going through a "Desert" stretch that I found difficult to go through in 1979 when I first joined the Church. It was like having a preference to read the New Testament instead of the Old and when reading the Book of Mormon, I would read through the "Desert" stretch quickly with a desire to get to the other stories that I could understand better!

Like a miracle, this book came to my attention during the Pandemic! 

Then with online technology, I could find the video below and update myself of the work and life of Avraham Gileadi from his website at www.isaiahinstitute.com

During the pandemic, I had definitely more time locked down at home or in my office library to be inspired to pick up books I wanted to reread that further enlightened me during this unprecedented era of my lifetime!

Everything was like 'OPT Optimal Performance & Thinking' sequence for me before and during the Pandemic! I can design/customize anything to suit the season of our times. I had acquired the ability of pattern recognition in reading as well as in receiving my personal revelation to guide me in understanding spiritual truths. 

On COVID-19 vaccines, from my memorable experiences as a child of always being sick with fevers at a young age with doctors giving me different colored medicines and even coming to our home at night to sponge me with water to reduce my high fevers, I learned early to avoid taking these chemicals. I even suffered from boils going to early elementary/primary school where there were no medicines given to me. I just pierced the boils when they were large enough to burst to squeeze out the puss!

From then onwards, I just found my own way to be healthy by eating well, being involved in all types of sports or exercises for physical health, and always emotionally happy to be surprised from adolescence to my mature years, I became immune to common coughs, colds, fevers, etc! I mustn't forget the power of spirituality that I had acquired just as I turned twenty-one too!

Combined experience with all the knowledge I had acquired in my education, with years of personal online research on the topic of 'Human Consciousness', I had many never-ending 'Aha' moments to guide me through life! The simple habit or acts of 'interaction' I discovered in my research were a big part of my source of 'OPT' skills way beyond my real natural self!

22 Sep 2021
I was 'set apart' as 1st counselor in the KL Branch Presidency by President Royce Tai from the District

25 Sep 2021
Assisting a member with vaccination at MBPJ Civic Centre building

26 Sep 2021
First Young Men's zoom meeting

Last Quarter of 2021

Several events occurred in the last quarter that would prepare me for an expected awesome new year of 2022. I as 1st counselor and my 2nd counselor who were non-Americans was released by the District and the new ex-pat members in the branch were called to replace us.
Having the privilege to have read online the latest in our Church Handbook of Instructions and noting the changes that have occurred since our latest Prophet, President Russel M. Nelson was called to be the Church President, I could appreciate the change. The branch presidency role has altered since I was called as Branch and District President many years ago. They are to spend more time with the Young Men & Women of the Church and in KL branch, from the photo above, most were children of the ex-pats in our branch. For the adult men and women, the Elders Quorum President and Relief Society President would be the ones overseeing them.

Now I have all my life been busy with Family, Business & Church. With the changing world and conditions, the roles in my life have been changing over time recorded here. Thus in just the last quarter of 2021, I got myself ready for the new era of my life from 2022 onwards.

Happy Birthday to my Mother

Dear Ma,

Happy 100th Birthday today which is relevant even though we had a funeral for you when you passed away at 60 years old for three main reasons. Firstly, you chose to accept the Gospel and to be baptized at your own will, so we share a common belief that Man(including woman) still lives on after death as a Spirit being until the resurrection. This is to take place during the prophesied end days of our world which seems closer today! Secondly, as space and time is still measured by Man on earth, it makes sense to me that you would be celebrating your 100th Birthday today as I'm still alive on earth following earth time now in Kuala Lumpur. Last but not least, today is a Thursday which I've designated to be my Deep Thinking day so I remember your birthday and like to share my heart with you and some thoughts. 

In August last year of 2020, I solved the mystery of where the black and white photo of you and I was taken at, who kept this photo since young till today. 

More details of the day trip to the island can be found in my Facebook post here.

The ability to unravel this mystery happened in the most unique time of my life and that is during the world COVID-19 pandemic that started in early 2020. Before going to Melaka, I went up to Penang to visit Moon Lean, my oldest sister.

I was visiting with my former mission companion David Soon whom you know. We were serving in Malaysia/Singapore in 1980-82 with a unique opportunity as pioneer missionaries who were able to visit our parents, now and then! 

It was through sister that I got to know my mystical cousin Ong Chin Hooi who has psychic powers who had passed away on 12 Nov 2019. Since young I had always heard about the mystical things that Penang island seem to possess but living in the modern city of Kuala Lumpur, I was too preoccupied with my life to find out more. In my latter years, I took time to discover and recall to create a special journal to cover this aspect of life found at Be More, Know How.

I know you are aware of these things, being born in Penang but following Pa with his well educated western background, I guess you are less exposed to the experiences as compared to oldest sister who lived there all her life since birth.

After Penang and then Melaka, I decided to go camping Aussie style with my Malaysian friend you've met in Geelong...
Remember your trip to visit me in Geelong during summer of 1978? Tong Leong my 'sifu' seated closest to the camera who taught me everything about outdoor life in Australia is seated closest to the camera. He had become a citizen of Australia and decided to go on a "Malaysia 2nd home" program where he could live in Malaysia with his family.
Standing 2nd from the right is his younger brother who was my outdoor buddy for bike riding, camping etc who is also from the same school together in St.John's. This pic was taken when I left for Australia for my tertiary education in Feb1977. I am always close with my friends and have a habit of organizing reunions in small numbers or large groups as shared in this journal.

As you are aware, the mother of our family Geok Lee or my wife passed away on 6 Nov 2012. I'm sure you would run into her somehow in the spirit world. I don't hear or receive vibes from you as much as from her until lately when during the pandemic, we all seem closer to the other side of the veil as we call it. From Geok Lee, the strongest connection was during the disappearance of the MH370 recorded here. 

Well from my side, you have six grand children and two great grand ones as of today! Under the Lord's guidance and the Spirit of Elijah, family history work and seeking our ancestors has made good progress. Today technology has definitely advanced greatly to make everything that was once impossible become amazingly possible as shared in my family journal here with Geok Lee.

At the last General Conference of the Church on 4th April 2021, which happens to be Geok Lee's birthday too, it was announced that a Temple of the Church will be built in Singapore! We used to have to take a plane to fly to a Temple of the Church to participate in temple ordinances but no longer once the temple is built in Singapore! In the temple, I always feel there is just a thin veil separating the living from the dead. Everyone in Singapore and Malaysia were overjoyed to hear the announcement.

I am grateful that without any persuasion from me when I came home from Australia in Feb 1980 to inform the family that I would be serving a voluntary 2 year mission for the Church, you choose to take discussions from the elderly couple missionaries to prepare to be baptized.(KL branch photo dated April 1981)

This photo is dated 30th April, 1981 recorded in my early life journal that has a copy of your baptism certificate too.

Love you very much Ma and happy to know we can all be together again one day with Geok Lee too.

God bless!

Boynie/Sun Fu/Dad the KL City Kid
Latest always at www.AbacusToCloud.com