2022 A new year for the world still with the COVID-19 Pandemic

25 Jan 2022

The Church Historian's Press has released a new volume of the Joseph Smith Papers that includes color photographs and color-coded transcriptions of the Book of Mormon's earliest manuscript. This is the first complete photographic record of what remains of the original manuscript.

21 Jan 2022 published on Youtube
Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Understanding One Another - Full Broadcast

Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosted a discussion on Islam at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, on Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The two Apostles encouraged followers of the faith to better understand the similarities and differences they have with the globe’s 1.8 billion followers of Islam. They also introduced a brochure that outlines the similarities and differences between the two faiths. Watch the full broadcast above.

I was not aware of this event last year but somehow as a long-time writer of journals, I seem to be often 'lucky' not to miss important or relevant events in my life. Let me share a few links from my past journals to appreciate the relevance of Elder Bednar and Elder Gong to me in my life.

22 Jan 2022

Church News Publication on location of the Church's 265 temples across 6 maps

Going into the third year of the Pandemic, reading this publication gives me spiritual calm. Seeing Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia on the map triggers off unforgettable spiritual memories even from the USA for reasons shared in this journal.

Sunday 29 May 2022

My Thoughts & Feelings of Life on Earth today. Family & Friends are my true Joy!

As one who has been writing journals consistently since 1979, I felt impressed to read this spiritual journal of mine first before I add my latest thoughts and feelings on this day here.

(Note that it will probably only be finished late as I've got a full day with firstly Church that I will attend at the new building in PJ following which I will be attending a Hari Raya function of my old schoolboys close by!)

BODY MIND SPIRIT has been the tripartite 'Nature of Man' I started focused research about after my wife passed away in 2012. It was something personal that I embarked on based on my personal life experiences as well as deep research beyond my own knowledge of the world's philosophy, science, and spiritual teachings. 

One very important goal I've kept in life or held a 'balanced' approach to my research was to avoid 'personal biases', especially in two subjects that can disrupt peace in communities or countries, namely Politics and Religion. I hold sacred or respect the choices of others in these sensitive, meaningful as well as emotional topics of life.

My intention to embark on deeper research to help teams/companies perform more optimally in business actually began in 2005. By that time, I had already achieved a number of breakthroughs in my management consulting business for local and international companies.

The COVID-19 pandemic raised new Consciousness levels in my life with new questions to challenge me to increase my OPT Optimal Thinking & Performance to even higher levels. From last Friday to Sunday today, over the 3 days, I was touched by the following experiences:


Two long phone calls came to me. They covered paranormal experiences from 2 friends. One was about the Devil and the other about his struggles in life to finally find answers based on Spirituality. Link to the devil story here.


I was spiritually touched to remember to visit 'Kam Fatt' restaurant to meet old friends and view the total renovation of the place. Link to my experience with Kam Fatt of his life and after he passed away.


I decided to attend Church in PJ instead of my usual attendance in our KL Church. When they opened up Church for all to participate in our last District Conference, somehow I was never informed especially for the unvaccinated. After a 2 year lockdown, it was wonderful to meet old and new friends there. One of the reasons for going to PJ was also to attend a Raya celebration in the home of a Muslim friend with all other friends from our school. I only have time to share a few photos below to later put them all in the latest Microsoft "Sway" media as done for my family activities here.

My life seems unbelievably busy but also unbelievably happy so I never complained at all. I just have to constantly & optimally plan my time well in my head, without a diary, that is how flexible I've lived my life to be able to do many things like 'Superman' haha

PJ Church photos in the new District Centre:

KL branch activities in the newly renovated branch building:

PJ Hari Raya Celebration photos:

Another schoolmate took this pic!

I made a statement when I started this post, "Family & Friends are my true Joy!" Coincidentally, I came across a research study from Brigham Young University that affirms this. Read about it here. 

That's all Folks. From the busy Mr. TalkLane for now!

To be continued... "Akan Datang!" 

... a continuation of my thoughts during the Pandemic era that started here.

On my 'Happy Friday' less than a week later, I got to visit another home related to school again:

I did not attend the funeral of the husband of Mrs. Gonzales as it was during the Covid period when the body of any deceased would not be present but immediately buried. James Edison and I planned to visit her home later and had Mr. David Fernandez accompany us on Friday 3 June 2022. She attended our class reunion in 2018 and gave us a short speech recorded here.

In Memory of James Gonzales (1939-2022)

A good account of his distinguished life can be read here published by Aliran.

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