Miracles, Synchronicity and Psychology

3 Feb 2019

My Journals

Kuantan, an east coast city of Peninsular Malaysia is the original place where I first received inspiration from my late wife to write a book that is dedicated to her. It was also a time when I was experiencing some miracles or could that be merely synchronicity of events that occurred after the mysterious crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 that baffled the world to find the lost plane? This odd chance of finding a green plastic plane on the beach while pondering on the strange disappearance of the Malaysian plane and the coincidences of events that followed through after that was quite unforgettable, recorded in detail here.

When I write, my writing style tends to be very detailed or descriptive with a need to provide evidence that I am truthful of what I have shared with the support of links to my own sources as well as other independent sources. I also use my own photos and videos, as the actual party in the scene to witness the very event I am writing about. Using third-party photos, there is an increased risk of an error of interpretation even when a photo paints a thousand words as they say. The synchronicity of events that seemed to often occur in Kuantan happened just recently that helped me correct a gross error I had made of an old black and white photo not taken by me shared here. With a modern digital camera, the date of any event captured has the date taken automatically stamped digitally and saved with the image so the error mentioned could have been avoided.

The main reason for such an obsession to validate truth came from my pure science background at school. When I advanced to my tertiary education, I changed to studying business which encompassed economics, law, and accounting to qualify as a Chartered Accountant. At the same time, I felt doing a computer science major as well as my accounting major though it was not a compulsory option. I just felt it would be advantageous for my future to master something that others seem to struggle with.

In retrospect, I think the real reason why I picked up all the computer subjects that were optional in my business program was that I had observed then that the accounting or business studies students who took computer subjects at the university seem to fail them while those computer science students who took up accounting or economics classes seem to fail the business papers too. So it was more like a challenge for me that I would take up both as majors for my Bachelor of Commerce degree.

It turned out wonderful as I didn't know much about computers in the 70s as small personal computers were not available for us to play with it and learn about its potential. It turned out that these computers would penetrate every business the world over including homes later on. Neither were brain studies very advanced then to reveal what positive effect it would have on me for mastering two different skills sets that would somehow use both my left(logical IQ) and right(creative EQ) brain to enable them to perform more optimally as one integrated or holistic brain when I entered the job market. What was common in accounting and computer programming was that one had to be precise or accurate. We cannot lose account of even one cent in our accounting records else we would have a problem with the trial balance report. Similarly, one cannot mistype a single code in a computer program as the computer will reject it as a 'bug' or error when processing the programmed codes.

I've mentioned the IQ and EQ roles that science has attributed to our brain as the organ responsible for managing the process of our thoughts and our emotions. Science and general literature today influenced by politics in our advanced western world rarely mention or highlight the SQ or Spiritual part of the human being. The main reason I believe is one cannot see or observe the spirit to visually prove that it exists. I remember reading that some scientists even tried to measure the weight of people about to die to compare the weight of the body just before death and after with a most sophisticated or accurate weighing machine. They did discover a detectable slight loss in weight. However, they attribute it to a loss of moisture when the person passed away! The spirit could not be determined to exist even via the philosophical part of science as well, whether by way of epistemology or theory of knowledge which requires a consensus or correlation by scientists or via ontology which is more metaphysical about what is true or exists without a need of empirical evidence. (Reference)

Journals covering Spiritual Experiences such as Miracles

So what do I attribute the SQ part of my life to be useful for and where does it exist in? As an academic student of science before and one who was preparing to be a professional accountant with a belief in accuracy, I had the third and last entity to learn, experiment and master! This was the SQ part I was faced with in 1979, the last year of my tertiary education. Like an accountant documenting financial information, I started documenting the results of my learning and experiment that started 40 years ago, at this point in writing, that is actually found at the beginning of this journal here.

It was truly a live experiment of my own life and how I did it and what happened to me has been recorded in the link I last shared above. I experienced a series of events that occurred that seemed coincidental to me. It was not a one-off thing that occurred because if anybody would take the time to read my true and honest account of my early experiences, the reader would surely believe either I must be the luckiest man on earth to have all those sequences of events to occur before me or I am really into something real and consistent, not a chance occurrence. Like any successful experiment, I had to be fully committed to it to carry out logical steps or procedures over a duration of time as defined here.

More specifically, here was what I did with references to my relevant journal records. I investigated the Church for about 7 months to listen earnestly to everyone who had a for or against view. (Reference) I needed to carry out experiments that were acts of faith on my part like getting baptized even before witnessing any miracle. (Reference) Now after the baptism, I would do my best to keep up with everything I had to do as a new member and the miracles started happening that I had not expected or wanted either! (Reference) Though I didn't desire the meaning of my first miracle to me I had received enough inspiration from the experience to know there is a new dimension unknown to me previously that seems to be communicating to me and I needed to exercise more faith and give it more time to see where it would lead me to! (Reference) I started to experience challenges or chaos in my homefront but in these most challenging times of my faith experiment, I began to see the light. (Reference) The light got brighter and I waxed strong with faith and obedience, receiving the confirmations I had desired in my faith experiment (Reference)

 My faith experiment that started in 1979 continued to this post today 40 years later. I became more creative as a writer with my Story of 7 that was written much later.  The Story of 7 would later reveal its purpose which was to guide one to think about the law of probability, even synchronicity that may have been involved but with the good possibility that I was experiencing miracles which I started expressing in my stories of 7 with a different meaning that continued here.

I have not really been diligent to record all the miraculous events of my life in that continuing 'Story of 7' post. I just didn't want to overemphasize the spiritual blessings I was receiving but I knew they were all an answer to my personal prayers. Also, there were too many occurring and I lacked the time to write every occurrence down in my blog journals. I was too active a person who went everywhere to connect with family, friends and meet new people all the time in any activity whether social, business, religious, recreational, educational and even political. (Reference)

The advent of Facebook provided me a quicker way than journals to record events with the compliment of connecting to family and friends conveniently. It was great for putting photos online that I or others can access easily and if there was a story to provide details I can link the Facebook post with my blog journals that became optimal for my journal keeping as well as indexing needs as every post has a time date stamp. When I needed to spend more time reading, researching and writing my notes to prepare for my book, I optimized my journal keeping by just using Facebook posts embedded in my journal by quarterly posts for each year so that my chronicles over time are still maintained as shared here.

However, as a systematic chronicler, I would eventually find time to do it if they were relevant. I have done many already when it happened on a day that I had time to create a new day's post in my journal of that time period but I may not have time to include those occurrences in my special Story of 7 meant as a collection of events of synchronous nature in terms of psychological sense or even miracles in the spiritual sense. Language, after all, is man-made and Man can be so orderly, accurate and narrow as well as being chaotic, creative and broad. Controversies arise when laws try to force a language on people as opposed by people adopting the language themselves. (Reference 1 vs Reference 2)

Why was I so busy to not write a consistent daily journal of everything that happens in my life? There are several reasons for this. The main reason is that it takes time to write and time was a commodity that got more scarce as I grew older in life of course. When I was really little, I had all day of course to just play and play, with ample time to explore anything without any expectations from anyone in terms of responsibilities assigned to me. As I grew up to go to school, I had to be responsible for my grades, which initially was a challenge to me as the educational system seemed rather rigid to me that didn't flow with the way my mind worked. Nevertheless, I had learned what responsibility meant from observing my diligent parents and my older siblings who all seemed to do well in education. I knew all it took was self-discipline and repetition to learn and master anything and from then onwards life really got busy for me as I wanted to learn everything that I wasn't allowed to when I was little as there were always limitations of my physical and mental self.  In short, I never stopped learning, doing and writing in my life (Reference)

My scrapbook journal when I was a young kid

Freedom from limitations came rapidly as a teenager especially when I had learned the art of doing well to produce good academic results. Everyone was happy and I was given the freedom to do anything so long as I came home safe. That was when life really began to be busy for me as I sought to do everything. Well, what was everything? Besides the ability to study any subject, I wanted to play any sport available in school. Then there is this interest I had in making friends with anyone as I found out that everyone was different but when a friendship was established, we could become closer and enjoy doing many similar things together. I was well brought up to keep my standards but I never enforced it to my friends. Mutual respect was developed over time that they could do what they wanted and I need not follow them nor would I expect them to follow me either. That was a great formula to make friends with anybody in life and I did create an amazing number of friends from childhood to adulthood that became part of the reason for becoming busy. (Reference)

Soon I was to embark on to life with responsibilities not just for myself but for others too. I was given all kinds of leadership positions in class, in clubs, in any organization I found myself in so that took more time from me but I learned leadership. Of course, when I was old enough at 24 to find a wife for myself who was only sweet 20, which was a natural responsibility to fulfill as a man in life, it was no longer personal time alone that I could do what I wanted to. Furthermore, adulthood meant responsibility to earn not just for myself initially but for my family too. So it seems there are phases in life like when you are younger, you prove yourself academically to get more freedom as a teenager. When you are an adult, you have to prove yourself financially to get more freedom, not from your parents anymore but from society at large. The is due to the economic and political power one gets in our modern society of today. I was driven to be successful as an adult in whatever my hands touched upon and I was. This was in respect to earning money, solving problems or leading others in any type of organization. (Reference)

I did record many miracles in my life that were direct answers to my prayer after I prayed and miracles that happened to me when I didn't pray for them just before it happened. Living a life of belief or faith in God or living as if he lives has certainly made me more aware of his presence. I had gone past the phase of just a belief but I developed a real testimony of the existence of a God who humbly asks us to simply address him as our Father in Heaven in our prayers or communication to him. So the common address to a father, albeit a spiritual one, I began conversations with him very casually and hence often as if he was there to listen to me without the need for any ceremony or procedures when my heart and mind seeks for him.

As one who talks very freely and extemporaneously in life, with anybody whether king or pauper without fear or favor, I soon found myself in the later part of my spiritual life to develop a close relationship with diety with personal conversations with him. I could talk to him at any time when I was driving, pondering or at any moment I needed or wanted to as if he was there for me. I guess I had learned and knew a God would have the attribute of omniscience. From these regular conversations that were silent which can occur anywhere, I can now confidently infer, from writing this journal post, that it could be the reason why these miracles often happened to me. I must also note that these miracles were not just a direct act from God's intervention as often it is through another human being's action that was unexpected! (Reference)


Spiritual experiences coming to me in a series was not something new to me but the term synchronicity was new to me as it was learned only in my life long learning process of reading about psychology to come across Carl Jung recently who first created it. It is also referred to as Serendipity.

An interesting discovery in reading about Carl Jung is that he disclosed that he had been studying the Chinese Book of Changes known as I-Ching for at least 30 years before he met Richard Wilhem, the German translator of the I-Ching to English. He said, "For more than thirty years I have interested myself in this oracle technique, or method of exploring the unconscious, for it has seemed to me of uncommon significance. I was already fairly familiar with the I Ching when I first met Wilhelm in the early nineteen twenties; he confirmed for me then what I already knew, and taught me many things more. (Foreword to the I Ching).

Synchronicity or Miracles?

Direct interventions did occur to me too of course and strangely it would occur at a time when a car/vehicle was involved! This could be due to the fact that the car is a vehicle that I used since young beside the motorcycle, with more mileage clocked in a car of course due to its wider use and availability in any country I found myself in and under any kind of weather.

So the miracles that would involve a car, I can name them quickly with references due to my journals that will be highlighted to click if one wants to read more details. During my voluntary mission for the Church, getting an unexpected call to offer me a car that we seriously needed and how I and my companion experienced a life-saving event that was a direct intervention from God was shared in the last reference above and repeated here.

During the same mission, I had a most direct intervention from my Heavenly Father due to my days of pondering about the Holy Ghost coming down like a dove recorded here with a photo of the car as the only evidence I guess I'm allowed to share.

Years after my mission, having started a family of my own very quickly as the importance of the family and family history is a major doctrine of only our Church, I was definitely saved from death again from a serious accident with a truck with pics shared here.

This Spiritlane journal from beginning to end will contain accounts of my SQ experiences though many may be found in my Familylane EQ journal that has to do with family experiences, feelings, and love.  The Story of 7 stories with a link shared above is an example of miracles or synchronicities shared in Familylane where due to the time factor and my desire of demureness as opposed to liveliness to share anything that is truthful in the context of something sacred or religious in respect of the different beliefs of others. I was not concerned that I have left out many other experiences from that journal post.  It could be that the spirit did not encourage me to write them as I am inspired to write today or maybe my age and circumstances at that time may be different from today where I have turned 60 though I still feel I am just "Dad the KL City Kid".

There were, of course, many miracles that I never wrote down when it involved the exercise of a priesthood power or authority I hold from our Church for blessings and healings. However, I will share this particular one that seems so ridiculous that I never thought to share but the spirit says to proceed. Well, it has to do with a car again.

After the horrible head-on collision with the truck that occurred in 1985 when my wife Geok Lee was expecting our 2nd child, we were living on our own in Petaling Jaya. I only sustained minor injuries, the worse being a broken right forearm. Due to the fact that I was unconscious after the great impact with the truck, the hospital I was taken to in Johor Bahru JB waited to operate on me two days later when I became conscious. With an open wound during the two days after the accident, my right forearm femur bone got infected so after the surgery of putting a plate to fix my forearm and stitching up the wound, there would be inflammation or swelling later which caused them to open up the wound to clean it and would not sew it up again in case the infection was not cleared up yet. I was to continue taking antibiotics and allow the wound to close up naturally with no signs of inflammation before they would stitch up the wound again. I had to stay in the JB hospital for three weeks to almost a month for the daily cleaning of the wound.

I asked to be discharged so that I could return back to family and my business in Kuala Lumpur and when they were satisfied my wound was healing, I could be discharged to return to KL but I had to visit the University Hospital daily to clean my wound and use fresh bandages until they could do the stitching again. Here are some funny stories that followed up that followed with an amazing miracle which I guess makes up the major stories of "Dad the KL City". On return to KL, my father suggested that we temporarily stayed in his Cheras home until I was fully recovered. I could borrow the spare car he had meanwhile and I could manage to drive to the University hospital by myself every day. After a month of daily cleaning of the wound, it was healing well and now I can't remember if they needed to stitch it up again or not but here is the funny part of my experience at the hospital.

Letting the wound slowly heal by itself without sewing up immediately left a visible scar on my right forearm both upper and lower part. Also, the damaged area of my right forearm caused a nerve to be severed that affected my right thumb to be not able to stick up to do a 'thumbs-up' sign. Now when a professor was doing a last check up on me, I informed him of this problem. He immediately responded by saying, "Oh no problem, we can fix that. It is the problem of the nerve connection, now what is the name of that nerve again?" He repeated the question to think of the name of the nerve a few times, trying to give me a professional answer and my very quick response was, "Don't worry Prof! I can live without being able to make a right thumbs up sign!" and walked away happy to end my hospital visits and treatment!

So after my right arm was healed, I drove to our single-story terraced or linked home in PJ Section 14 where we had been living in after we were married. To my shock, I saw a stranger in the house as the front wooden door was ajar but not the iron grill. I shouted loudly, he panicked and climbed back to the top of the roof where he came in and was running away on the rooftop to the back of the house. I left the car and chased after him yelling out at the top of my voice "thief thief " but nobody responded. The thief looked like a thin drug addict who could not outrun me as I am a runner besides a biker. While running along the side back lane of the houses, a lady saw me shouting and I asked her to get some help but there was no immediate response. I finally caught up with the thief and he was tired and puffing away and I was grabbing his shirt collar from his back with one right injured forearm and holding his left arm tightly to make him walk towards the main road where I knew there was a police kiosk/outpost or 'Pondok' in Malay. When I reached there, it was vacant. By that time, the thief caught his breadth and freed himself from my grip and ran away again. I chased after him again to almost catch up when he picked up a long stick from the ground to defend himself. I saw another stick on the ground and picked it up. We started sword fighting just like in the movies!!!

I was mindful that my right arm was injured and was using my left hand to sword fight with him, keeping my right hand away from being hit by the thief. Now I'm a Karateka and can fight with sticks or nunchakus and soon he must have realized that to drop the stick and made a quick run of escape again. I tried to run after him but as he had rested sufficiently and had a quick start of dashing off,  I lost him eventually in the back lanes and decided not to pursue.  I just didn't know what to do to detain him even if I caught up with the prowler again! I related the incident back home to the family and it was then that my father suggested that we should move in to stay with him. Now I knew in my younger days, that was what he wished for as I remember he did mention it verbally to me. But in our Church culture, I had read in some books by American leaders who discourage living with parents/in-laws with a strong statement that I can remember the words, "In-Laws don't rock the Boat!"

Our 2nd baby came and we stayed on for 5 years which was the time we had planned for more children so we moved out and raised another 4 boys with our two oldest girls helping, living on our own. After all, we had planned to have a large family and part of the reason we were comfortable to leave Singapore was that the nation-state at that time had laws to limit the number of children to two only with penalties for a family who would have the third child and beyond. There was also propaganda to suggest negatives as the video below depicts:

During the 5 years, there were spiritual stories too of course and here is a miracle I never wrote down. My father loved dogs too and kept a few. One Sunday morning, our family was heading out to Church and were in a rush as usual with our 2 girls. I was about to reverse the car out through the gate but saw that one dog was behind the car and I stopped when close to the dog to get out of the car to shoo it away. When I examined the dog and touched the body, it felt stiff and cold. Now I had given blessings to the bird in my story shared above so I have some experience in blessing animals so my immediate reaction, being late to Church without thinking, was to bless the dog which I did. Immediately upon "Amen" to close my prayer, the dog just stood up and ran off so that I could immediately get into the car and reverse out to drive off to Church! I explained to my wife without much emotion and I believe by that time, my wife had known me well enough to be a faithful member of our Church to enjoy many blessings of the priesthood.

As a matter of fact, one faithful brother, an architect named Tan Su Kiong who was once also a Malaysian but migrated to Singapore, who later became a Patriarch of our Church in Singapore, was the one who visited me to give me a priesthood blessing at the hospital in JB. My memory was erased from what happened at the time of the accident as well for a week's duration after so I cannot remember who visited me at the hospital for that duration. I must have been blessed to not remember what happened during the crash so that I would never have nightmares replaying the frightening near-death experience! At a much later date, an opportunity came to render service to another when I was called to visit a Singaporean at a hospital in Malaysia to give a priesthood blessing. I honestly don't know who is that member as giving blessings or enabling miracles is not so rare for me to be excited about nor need I know or remember who I blessed. This Singaporean was in a fatal car accident too and his lungs had collapsed. I was there to administer and give the blessing without seeing his face as it was also covered. I left after doing my duty and years passed by when one day the man met me in some church meeting somewhere in Spore or Msia that I can't remember now. He just wanted to thank me personally to say I was the one who blessed him. I still couldn't remember his name then nor today or who is his family as I was just doing my duty and details cannot be remembered as well as those miracles that happened to me personally in my life that I would write them down or be stored in my memory as it was relevant to me. Most important is I felt when I was blessing others who are healed, it is a very sacred event that doesn't need be shared or remembered in the future as I have blessed many in my lifetime which are all just part of the sharing of my priesthood power and authority to others in need!

So how did these miracle blessings all begin? Well the truth is that when a pair of American Elders first knocked on my door at 40 Skene St Geelong Australia in early 1979 and I heard the message that God had visited a young man on earth in 1820, I simply replied, "...the knowledge gained from this visitation would be even more important than that of Man going to the Moon."  (Reference)

This is an event of 40 years ago and I am starting to get the FLOW state which is a term from Positive Psychology that means that is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one's sense of space and time.  " (Reference)

Indeed the 40 years since the day I met with the Elders, everything in my life flowed so quickly till this day but not without challenges and opportunities for me to make the right decisions to see the blessings and some times the wrong decision to learn from my mistakes. I made the right decision to listen to others who may have different opinions as to who God is and their reasoning for their beliefs which I should respect and let them make their own decisions to seek truth by making right or wrong decisions too as I would likewise make in order to better understand the nature of this school of hard knocks I call earth! Yes, life seems like a journey of trial and error sometimes as we seem lacking perfect knowledge. It is best to be humble, teachable and never fear the future as with faith in God, nothing is impossible. When I call myself LLL or a Life Long Learner, it simply means I really don't know everything and hope to remain humble and teachable to add more to what I already know as true principles of life, some times with a need to have faith to do the right or carry out the experiments in order to discover more truth of our Body Mind Spirit that we are composed of.  (Reference)

As prayers have been mentioned, I like to share my belief of how prayers should be applied in one's life with this quotation, "Pray as if everything depends on God, Live as if everything depends on you!" By following this simple teaching, one would have a balanced life as is symbolic in Chinese Yinyang mythology.

Circumstances of how or when a Journal is written

My journal posts are written under three different circumstances that I will elaborate today. I could be writing on some historical experience, where I already know what happened and I will spend the time to focus and recall what had happened from my memory or refer to old photos if available to bring back old emotions of the past that will give me a clearer perception of the historical event. An example is here.

Then there can be a time when I'm prepared to record some important event before it fully happens or uncovers. This would be when I go beyond logic to infuse a more spiritual state to put myself in a position where I expect something to happen as I've created an optimal condition in my faith to know it will occur. An example is here.

Last but not least like at this moment, I immediately record something that occurred like a technical problem in the technology I am using such as the internet so that I would not forget what actually had just happened in order to resolve the problem later. Like typing this last paragraph, I happened to touch some key on the keyboard that made my current sentence disappear, I instantly knew what to do to recover. In blogger, just type the symbol of  'go back to last saved' position as shown in the screenshot below:

Now let me continue to move forward with the intended subject I like to share, which is not to teach the reader how to master computer technology or debug its problems as I face them. I like to mention that neural networks built with the latest scientific knowledge from AI research of Man are far behind the complexity of the natural human brain network of neurons as disclosed here.

I like to elaborate more on the phenomena of Synchronicity and elaborate on how or why it occurs often in my life. I am able to do this as I have been recording in detail the experiences of my life for the past 40 years, that includes occurrences, reflections, researched information, etc that I share publicly or saved in my private database for my future private investigation or public releases.

I like to continue more about what is Synchronicity and provide evidence of its occurrence in my life. Let's start with watching this short video that explains the phenomena:

If you have viewed the above short video, you would get a good idea as to what synchronicity means. My choice of the above video is also a coincidence or synchronous event. I didn't expect it to relate to Chinese or Eastern beliefs or myths as I had shared in the last journal post before this one found here where I used the Yinyang symbol with some explanations. I even gave a Chinese name to my own consciousness. That was a spontaneous act on my part to call it ShanFu-Consciousness but it is not a big deal as it's my Mandarin spelled name which is appropriate as it is My Consciousness I was referring to.

In another previous post, just at the end of last year, the Chinese Year of the Dog, when I was at the height of trying to do so much, synchronicity came in my writings used to explain how I could feel the experience of everything coming together again. Due to the detailed and quite accurate recordings of the past 40 years of my life, with some errors here and there I'm sure, there is evidence of frequent occurrences of synchronicity during my lifetime particularly when I acquired the SQ portion of the tripartite nature of Man i.e. the spiritual part.

That is all wonderful and I should feel a more complete human being but soon comes the question I've always asked since I was young but Why? Why do we have this occurrence of synchronicity? There can be many reasons depending on the Consciousness of each person. For me, I think it helped me understand the meaning and purpose of my life better. In the link I shared above of my previous post, it mentioned my attraction to a writer named Jordan Peterson who highlighted the term synchronicity to me. I believe he influenced me to start this post to link it to the experiences recorded in my journal especially when I created the Story of 7 to record coincidences and even miracles that had become so abundant in my life that I have not found the time to add them to that special post but are recorded in various journal posts of mine when they occurred. For example in the passing of a dear old pioneer member of our Church named Anthony Lim who enjoyed many miracles in his own life that I was aware of, I did take time to share some past and even current miracles that occurred in the last days of his life and after when my thoughts were focused on him shared here.

With the world wide web www, my personal consciousness was augmented with the world's collective consciousness or even the unconsciousness that Carl Jung would refer to. I found a very inspiring writer about Synchronicity who gave excellent information as a professional psychologist shared in the podcast where one can listen to his verbal explanation here.  Some may prefer to read what he says instead of listening to a long recording. This option is possible as one just has to click  "Read Full Transcript" in the webpage where I found the podcast here.

If the reader can click all the 'here' links I have shared in this journal post of mine and know how to return back to this main journal page to continue the flow of my sharing, I believe the reader would have learned to appreciate how much knowledge one can gain using the technology that is in our hands today. It is literally correct to say that due to the invention of smartphones that we use today!

But why does one only choose to use man-made technology alone to gain more knowledge when within one's brain/mind is a natural gift from birth that can help one gain all the knowledge desired of this world that we live in and even maybe more beyond? This Spiritlane journal of mine was started first to make sure my spiritual experiences would be recorded so that I may not forget them or the details. It is also for the purposes that others may benefit from what I have sought to learn from Life where "everything is possible." It started with questions of what, how, etc with the most challenging being the why question that a child always ends up asking after all the other questions are answered. I am glad I persisted to find those answers and continue to enjoy learning more to figure out all that is happening in our fast-changing world in my home country as well as abroad.

Sunday 3 Mar 2019

It is fast Sunday today and I woke up with a dream of my wife Geok Lee again which is rare. The last significant dream was in Kuantan on the crash of MH370 shared above. I woke up early to read our Come Follow Me manual of Pg 34 covering Matthew 6-7. When I came to Matt 6:28, I immediately went out to the living room to play this video from the journal of her funeral.


An event of synchronicity perhaps

... to be continued and edited where necessary

Below is a draft of things that went wrong using computer technology that includes the internet as I work on this post which is not to be in the main content. It is therefore left as a footnote at the lower part of this post for me to follow-up with later. It is also left on this post perhaps for others who may want to learn more about how a Life Long Learner like me never fails to learn in any situation I experience, technical or not, for my own future betterment. This perhaps is reflective of my Consciousness that we can learn from mistakes or effects of our seemingly imperfect world of chaos to eventually turn them into becoming more perfect or optimal, or simply best possible order!

Oops... I've done it again to include the above pic,  purely due to my personal habit, to always want to show evidence to others what I've learned in case people doubt the truth of what I speak or write about. Now why did I do it to show the above timestamp

I had to spend past weeks in the East Coast working, rushing toward the finish line for my book project which has become very huge but with Synchronicity, Everything Comes Together! Some crazy things happened and I like to share them now where it is easy to remember as not only did it happen recently, I made notes with my screenshots and kept them in my computer folder with an indexed title that I can find it back at any time to share here and elaborate more when I find time to add to this footnote.

The above technical problems were all resolved before the end of this journal post. My exercise of keeping the above screenshots are the habits of an accountant who also maintain good records. It is also related to my role in life as a problem solver that is beyond just keeping records as an accountant. With computer technology fused to my consciousness, I developed a problem-solving habit using all the creative talents I have acquired, to follow up with solutions after reviewing all the data or information that has been collected and properly stored.

28 Mar 2019

Time is only measured unto Men is a saying with the understanding that God who created the universe and everything in it is not restricted by measurements of space-time that we humans use. So as I am a real human being, I have to note that a period of time has gone by where I did not add posts in this blog post journal that started on Sunday 3 Feb 2019 when I was back in KL from Kuantan which stopped on 3 Mar 2019 when I was back in Kuala Lumpur.

Using back my senses of space-time, I can remember the reasons for the gap of writings in this journal. Firstly I had already made my decision towards the last quarter of last year that I would reduce my social media writings to accelerate the completion of my book. I responded less in the Facebook media, informing everyone where possible that my book writing had to take priority. Nevertheless, for chronological recording using photos or even uploading videos with some brief narration, using Facebook was an excellent tool to meet my needs of journaling. 

The video below was shot on my last Sunday in Kuantan which was Jan 27. My interest in covering this Chinese Association managed home for old folks as part of my role as a Socialpreneur is to help our country move forward in the 'New Malaysia' to make sure the poor, aged and needy are well looked after:

The following three videos in a single post shared on Facebook was done on my first Sunday of 3 Feb back in Kuala Lumpur. One top video was a prayer that a couple of friends had asked me to share. The 2nd is recorded from my balcony early on Sunday morning to feel that the plants, animals or birds of nature are provided for. The 3rd video was about my surprise gifts of cash and an expensive watch from three different women seem to coincide with what my late wife was communicating to me i.e. I am provided for just like the lilies in the field and the birds in the air!

The following Facebook post below shows the number of visitors or events of different people I was involved with within just a month of March alone who are mainly from overseas, 4 different groups from the US, 1 couple from Australia and 2 separate persons from India with some locals. It was so many different people who are blessed by God who were showing love and kindness in meeting the needs of one another.  It reflects how I save time and space to squeeze one month of activities of visitors in just one post! 

I am concluding this post of my journals by using symbols, some photoshoots, and minimal text to save time:

Above video is by Thorsten J. Pattberg. He studied Asian Studies and Sanskrit at the University of Edinburgh and Linguistics at Fudan University and Peking University. He is a former Researcher at the University of Tokyo and Harvard University. He received his PhD degree from Peking University in 2012. He is a disciple of Ji Xianlin and Tu Weiming.

The mystery of I Ching of the East and Integrated Information theory of the West was solved before the end of this journal post.

How did all this occur so quickly?

Listen to the hymn again:

To conclude on the science of Psychology of the West which I was covering in this post, I have the following screenshot extracted from a book of my oldest daughter that she used when she was studying psychology at an American university in the early beginning of our new millennium.  

On page 2 of the book, one can read this statement, "Since the 1960s, psychology has recaptured its initial interest in conscious and unconscious mental processes through studies of how our minds process and retain information. To encompass psychology's concern with both overt behavior and covert thoughts and feelings we will define psychology as the science of behavior and mental processes.

For clarity purposes, I will type the words of the caption of the graphic found in pg 7 of Chapter 1 of the book entitled, "Introducing Psychology" under the section heading, "The Scientific Method" (Author: David G. Myers) as follows:

A theory implies hypotheses, which predict observable behaviors and events; these observations, in turn, are used to refine the theory.

In the book, above the graphic were found these quotations printed not seen in the screenshot :

"Truth is arrived at by the painstaking process of eliminating the untrue"
Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes

"My deeply held belief is that if a god anything like the traditional sort exists, our curiosity and intelligence are provided by such a god. We would be unappreciative of those gifts ... if we suppressed our passion to explore the universe and ourselves."
Carl Sagan (1979a)

The conclusion of this post on Miracles, Synchronicity, and Psychology is that in the process of writing it and now finishing it, I was further enlightened with more knowledge for me to adequately cover the theme of my book which is Human Consciousness, especially that of my own. I started out as an adult in life as an educated man with theories and I did create my own "What if...?" hypotheses in my life long learning process to take note of my observations in tandem with theories. I can conclude that over my past 40 years of life long learning as an adult, I am ready to share my knowledge and experiences about our human consciousness related to what I have observed and recorded of my own consciousness to relate to even the field of psychology. (Reference)

I am ready to invest to publish my book for a world audience as I believe many can benefit from the knowledge and concepts I will organize and craft to be useful to the public, especially for the rising generation. Previously they were recorded only as my personal experiences and observations of my life in general. (Reference)

Real AUD dollars in the photo of 10 fifties in each stack reflective of what Australia means to me. (Reference)

Not real or mock copy in the photo of my book cover with draft pics, symbols, and words only.

In finishing my research on the subject of psychology, I spent quite some time reading about Friedrich Nietzsche who was considered an early psychologist before Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. 

Synchronicity strikes again when I found this video of Nietzsche on Superman:

It was a Superman task indeed for all the research I had to do to be a book writer on the deep topic of the theme of Human Consciousness. I added the above video to my original journal post of Superman found here after finishing my intense study of human psychology that actually started years ago as shared in in this journal post.

I created the fun Superman journal post quite some time ago to share some photos of my active life involved with diverse physical activities whether they are to do household chores, raising the boys of our family alone after my wife passed away, running, biking or climbing mountains for fitness, reading, studying, practicing my intellectual and technology skills and last but not least, tuning in to a greater frequency of spiritual power, even the quantum power of my overall being of Body Mind Spirit to achieve the impossible and I did it over and over again!

What then is the purpose or meaning for my life in receiving all I have received shared above? I've come to a full circle since the time I was in Kuantan to be inspired to write and publish my first book. The video below from my account of what happened confirms the purpose and meaning in my life for writing the book. I re-read my Patriarchal blessing received after I joined the Church in 1979 just before I embarked to fulfill my mission call a year later to be reminded of the personal revelation typed out in writing for me to guide me in my life. It's so true and so glorious! Enjoy the video!

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